New version of ReMarket 1.8.1

25 june 2024


  • In the modules where a phone number needs to be entered, the phone number mask is made visible immediately upon page load.
  • In the "SmartCheckout" module, a new setting "Automatically confirm payment methods when placing an order" has been added.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.


Added \ Updated files:​

  • admin/controller/extension/theme/oct_remarket.php
  • admin/controller/octemplates/module/oct_smart_checkout.php
  • admin/language/en-gb/octemplates/module/oct_smart_checkout.php
  • admin/language/ru-ru/octemplates/module/oct_smart_checkout.php
  • admin/language/uk-ua/octemplates/module/oct_smart_checkout.php
  • admin/view/template/octemplates/module/oct_smart_checkout.twig
  • catalog/controller/checkout/oct_smartcheckout.php
  • catalog/view/theme/oct_remarket/stylesheet/main.css
  • catalog/view/theme/oct_remarket/template/checkout/oct_smartcheckout/smartcheckout.twig
  • catalog/view/theme/oct_remarket/template/octemplates/module/oct_popup_call_phone.twig
  • catalog/view/theme/oct_remarket/template/octemplates/module/oct_popup_found_cheaper.twig
  • catalog/view/theme/oct_remarket/template/octemplates/module/oct_popup_purchase.twig
  • catalog/view/theme/oct_remarket/template/octemplates/module/oct_popup_purchase_byoneclick.twig
  • catalog/view/theme/oct_remarket/template/octemplates/module/oct_stock_notifier.twig

You can download the latest and current version of the template in the support center:

Update instructions here:

We strongly recommend that you back up your site before upgrading (files + database via PHPMYADMIN). 

If necessary, please contact our technical support.

You can order a paid service for updating the template to the current version.

The new version of the template is: edits and functionality improvements + new modules and solutions.

Attention! If you made / make non-standard and customized edits to our template files, then your improvements will be overwritten during the update.