Blog OCTemplates

New version of FeelMart 1.6.1
Small bug fixes and improvements.   Added\Updated files: admin/controller/extension/theme/oct_feelmart.php catalog/language/en-gb/octemplates/oct_feelmart.php catalog/language/en-us/octemplates/oct_feelmart.php catalog/language/uk-ua/octemplates/oct_feelmart.php catalog/view/theme/oct_feelmart/js/fastclick.js catalog/view/theme/oct_feelmart/js/main.js catalog/vi..
29 october 2020
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New version of UltraStore 2.1.1
Small bug fixes and improvements.   Added\Updated files: admin/controller/extension/theme/oct_ultrastore.php catalog/view/theme/oct_ultrastore/js/fastclick.js catalog/view/theme/oct_ultrastore/js/main.js catalog/view/theme/oct_ultrastore/stylesheet/main.css catalog/view/theme/oct_ultrastore/stylesheet/responsive.css catalog/view/theme/oct_ultrastore/template/commo..
29 october 2020
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New version of UltraStore 2.1
Improved the usability of viewing photos in the product card, added swipe for mobile. Improved usability of "livesearch" - added close quick search when clicking outside its area. Added the ability to customize arbitrary links in the header and footer of the site. Added setting "Enable PopUp Cart" - this setting will display a popup cart instead of the usual notification (when a prod..
21 october 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.6
Improved the usability of viewing photos in the product card, added swipe for mobile. Improved usability of "livesearch" - added close quick search when clicking outside its area. Added the ability to customize arbitrary links in the header and footer of the site. Added setting "Enable PopUp Cart" - this setting will display a popup cart instead of the usual notification (when a prod..
19 october 2020
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New version of UltraStore 2.0
  Improved the usability of Ocfilter in the mobile version of the site, adding closing the filter on a click outside its area. Improved the usability of the photo gallery in the mobile version of the site, added a preview of additional product photos. To improve page loading speed, added LazyLoad, you can activate this functionality in the template settings for devices: De..
21 september 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.5.1
  Improved the usability of Ocfilter in the mobile version of the site, adding closing the filter on a click outside its area. Improved the usability of the photo gallery in the mobile version of the site, added a preview of additional product photos. Small bug fixes and improvements.   Added\Updated files: admin/controller/octemplates/theme/oct_feelmart.php a..
21 september 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.5
  Added the ability to display the icons of the main menu categories in the menu. You can add your custom icon to the main categories when editing categories in the "Data" tab. Supported formats:  svg, png, jpg, jpeg. It is recommended to use svg. You can activate this function in the settings of the "Mega-menu" module. Added the ability for the administrator to respond to a..
09 september 2020
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New version of UltraStore 1.9
  Improved the display of products for 2 products on mobile devices in the modules "New", "Bestsellers", etc. Added the ability to display the icons of the main menu categories in the menu. You can add your custom icon to the main categories when editing categories in the "Data" tab. Supported formats:  svg, png, jpg, jpeg. It is recommended to use svg. You can activate this..
04 august 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.4.1
  Added functionality in standard modules "News, Promotions, Products from categories, etc."  which hides the "Buy Now" button if the item is out of stock. Added a category filter to the blog articles section in the admin panel. Small bug fixes and improvements.   Added\Updated files: admin/controller/octemplates/blog/oct_blogarticle.php admin/contro..
09 june 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.4
  A setting has been added that allows you to set the color of the main template links. A setting has been added that allows you to enable / disable the display of buttons \ links "Bookmarked". A setting has been added that allows you to enable / disable the display of "Add to Compare" buttons\links. Small bug fixes and improvements.   Attention! After updating t..
12 may 2020
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New version of UltraStore 1.8
  Added the ability to copy the template settings to the multistore from the main template settings of the main store. Added a setting for selecting the position of the main menu navigation bar in the mobile version. Small bug fixes and improvements.   Added\Updated files: admin/controller/extension/theme/oct_ultrastore.php admin/controller/octemplates/module/..
27 april 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.3
  A setting has been added that allows you to set a custom title in the "Carousel" module. Added the ability to copy the template settings to the multistore from the main template settings of the main store. Small bug fixes and improvements.   Added\Updated files: admin/controller/octemplates/module/oct_information_bar.php admin/controller/octemplates/theme/oc..
27 april 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.2
  A setting has been added that allows you to enable/disable Open Graph markup for structured page information when a user shares a link in social networks or instant messengers. A setting has been added that allows you to enable Zoom in the product card and image gallery on desktop devices. A setting has been added that allows you to change the color of the search ba..
13 april 2020
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New version of UltraStore 1.7
A setting has been added that allows you to enable/disable Open Graph markup for structured page information when a user shares a link in social networks or instant messengers. A setting has been added that allows to enable the selection of the quantity of goods on the pages of categories, promotions, manufacturer's products and search. A setting has been added that allows you to ..
06 april 2020
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New version of FeelMart 1.1
  Added automatic adaptability of Youtube videos for "Information" and "Blog Post" pages Added the ability to enable product quantity selection on category pages, promotions, manufacturer's products and search. Small bug fixes and improvements.   Added\Updated files: admin/controller/octemplates/theme/oct_feelmart.php admin/language/en-gb/octemplates/them..
01 april 2020
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New version of UltraStore 1.6
Added automatic adaptability of Youtube videos with lazy loading in the product card. Added delayed loading of the map (location) in the header of the site and in the information menu in the mobile version. Added the ability to create links to landing pages in the main list of categories and on the categories page under the description. Improved the display of the..
17 march 2020
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